I was booked again today with Meredith and Trish, my favorite designing duo to photograph an amazing reno in Evanston. We shot the better part of the house and the better part of the day. I had the chance to swing by a fellow photogs studio to say, "Hi," and then I met the girls out for dinner. We dined at Coastal Sushi, and it was delish. It was also right down the street from where I spent so much of my adolescence.
The Evanston School of Ballet is located on Central St in Evanston. It has been there too many years to count. Miss Kerry, the sweetest and most humble of ballet instructors taught me class after class in that building. I decided to take a short walk and pop in to see how it had changed. It's been nearly 20 years since I have been back. As I approached the studio, I was delighted to see the door propped open. They never had air conditioning, and you didn't need it. You were there to work and that just warmed you up a bit quicker. I walked into the humid entry and as I did, I saw her. Miss Kerry was still there. Looking nearly the same, plus a few years. Her hair still long and classically parted in the middle, pulled back neatly. She called out my name as I did hers and I was instantly filled with emotion. That old saying, "you can always go back home," suddenly had a whole new meaning. I peeked in on the studio, saw the peeling, painted tin ceiling. Nothing had changed. Unexpectedly, I was met with a few more familiar faces. David, the piano player came in.I remember him and his melodies well. Such a rush of memories and emotions came flooding in. Hesitantly, I said my goodbyes, not knowing when I may find myself back. I walked back to the car and proceeded to drive back home. Even the roads remembered me. I drove them so many times, day after day.
Then it hit me, a flood of emotion. I just started crying. Crying happy, emotional, tears. I had wandered back to a place that knew me, and that little nugget of identity filled me with emotion. I felt like "home" was always there, regardless of how far I had traveled from it. I suddenly realized the impact Miss Kerry had on my life and the deep respect I endured for her.
I sit here tonight, still emotional, thinking of the amazing people I have encountered throughout my journey and truly appreciating the impact they have had on me. I sit here tonight... humbled. Thank you.
Please pardon, my sunburn (from the underwater shoot two days ago, ouch) and my blurry photo. It's out of focus... but I love it anyway :)
Jul 21, 2017, 9:29:46 AM
Rebekah - Loved this. So so sweet.